MLCV-building company: B2B blogs


A company that specializes in the development of solutions based on Machine Learning and Computer Vision needed marketing services, B2B content writing services and requested B2B blogs for MLCV for their website. It intended to show specifics of its expertise to a wide range of prospects while strengthening its web presence. With B2B blogs for MLCV, the company wanted to facilitate sales of their services. 


The company specified what it wanted to see in the blogs. They had to show the benefits of MLCV services in different industries: EHS, healthcare, pharma, chemical, traffic control, and manufacturing. Our technology marketing agency successfully implemented the task.


The B2B blogs navigated visitors through the sales funnel, and were optimized for search engines. Via these B2B blogs, the target audience can learn what solutions the company can develop specifically for them, answer their questions, fight doubts, and contact a representative